No man (except the ones in Med Schools) can claim to be an expert in handling pregnant women. However, most men have to survive the process. Typically, it’s their first child, and unsuspecting dads make just about every single stupid mistake they can.
A baby is the most beautiful thing that can ever happen to you. You just have to ensure that the mother (your wife/girlfriend) feels appreciated, important and involved during this whole crazy process. Remember, she’s in a lot of pain and anxiety.
Here is the step-by-step guide to survive the 40 odd weeks process to become a Dad:
1. The 2 Pink Lines
Whether you were trying for it or not, if one day your partner bursts through the door after a pregnancy test, don’t panic. Just don’t. Sit down and discuss it with her if you’re ready to have a baby. Most people mess up here. It’s OK to feel freaked out and panic at the prospect of a human being popping out of your partner’s interiors, but that’s Nature. Breath. You have nine months to get it together. Decide how you’re going to break the news. Remember, it’s about both of you.
Congratulations by the way!
2. Preparing the Place
A lot happens during pregnancy, and by that I mean you’ll see a lot of changes in your partner's body and moods. Assuming that you’ve been living together and have settled into a domestic routine, remember, you’ve got to rearrange the place. Why? She won't be able to do as much, even if she wanted.
Make essential goods accessible to her. Also, make the house baby-proof. That's indispensable once the baby starts moving. Cleaning products, medicines, vitamins, and knives should be out of it's reach, no electric switches at ground level, and rounded corners for furniture, only to name a few. Call in the carpenter if you must.
3. Be A Man and a clean one pls.!
Keep the toilet spic-and-span. Most important. You don’t want infections. Ensure the house is clean at all times. All smoking inside your home has to stop right away. Secondhand smoke is very bad for the baby. Period.
4. Help in Baby Stuff Shopping
It’s great if you have an enthusiastic mother at hand. She’ll want to go baby stuff shopping early. Tag along and offer mature advice. In comes the crib, the nursing rocker, a bassinet, swing, stroller, and a car seat. Your house would be full of baby toys and gadgets you never knew existed.
If you want a nursery, start with decoration now. Remember, pregnant women should avoid paint fumes. All the painting falls to you. You must be prepared to discuss all things at great length J
5. Prenatal Classes
Enroll her in prenatal classes. Yes, they help. If you can make time to join your partner, you’re the Super Dad.
Learn about pregnancy, and the nitty-gritty about dealing with a pregnant lady. It will make the process so much easier for you. Note down the general advice and specific medical issues. Pay close attention and ask thoughtful questions. Have a clear picture about things to come. Help her through the Yoga sessions and the hot bath later. It’s not rocket science, gentlemen.
6. Mark OB Appointments on your calendar.
Assuming all goes well, you’ll visit the doctor about 15 times at routine intervals with varying frequency. Typically, once a month until 28 weeks, three or four times up to week 36, and once a week for the last one month. The medical examinations may involve collecting urine and blood samples, monitoring blood pressure levels and weight management.
It’s most important to plan your doctor’s visits around your schedule. Remember, some like the first and the mid-pregnancy ultrasound will take longer. Trust me, hearing your baby’s heartbeat and seeing that sonogram would make up for the missed Board meetings.
7. Back Aches and Cramps
Your partner will be in a lot of pain, and you’ll have to become a back rubbing aficionado. Learn what a sciatic nerve is. Pay a Chiropractor if you have to. A foot massage can do wonder now.
8. Cord Blood Banking
In case you don’t know, a Cord Blood Bank is a facility which stores umbilical cord blood for your baby’s future. Why you ask?
Stem cells in the baby’s umbilical cord blood can replace damaged cells inside their body. These amazing cells repair wounds, increase healthy blood count and even restore lost brain functions. Believe it or not, this can later be used to treat over 80 diseases including leukemia and lymphoma. Research on all options available like LifeCell and then take an informed decision.
9. Mood Swings
Prepare for the scariest thing that can happen to you - The Mood Swings. She’ll go from happy to sad, to mad, to ambivalent in seconds. She’ll laugh at the latest jokes and cry with every cheesy romantic movie.
One minute she hates you, the next she wants you to cuddle her in bed. Yeah, that happens. Just don’t lose your temper, ever. Accept that every prospective dad in the world had to face this, and get going Soldier!
Stay calm and speak at your own risk.
10. The Grand Finale
This is when you finalize the birth plan. That's a detailed plan as to how she wants to do labor and delivery, where you’ll go, who'll attend, who she wants in the room, and so on. Here is where your prenatal classes would help. Help her figure out the best practical ways to labor.
When the moment arrives, things might go exactly according to plan, or trash the plan completely. Typically, it’s the latter. So don’t panic. There's no way you can predict. Labor usually lasts 12-24 hours from her first contractions. Spend the early phase together and help to keep her feeling at ease.
As labor progresses, it would get increasingly painful. It hurts despite the pain control measures. Get ice chips, cold cloths, foot rubs or back rubs. Do whatever you can. Remember, she is experiencing pain we can't imagine. Remember, this is not your show. Even the mom is in a supporting role. The baby is the star. The birth of your child is a big event that will change your life forever. Be there from beginning to end.
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