Waking up in the morning after a wild night of drinking and partying is something no one looks forward to. Hangovers are a drinker’s worst enemy and 77% of them have claimed to have had one at some point. From banana milkshakes to sports drinks to sleeping, everyone has their very own ‘Hangover Remedy’. Here, we look at the 11 Best Hangover Solutions.
During The Night
As they say, prevention is better than cure. No, we are not asking you to stop drinking! But the best way to prevent hangovers is to take some precautions on THE NIGHT.
1. Eat Fatty Food
Fatty foods delay the body's absorption of alcohol, as the fat helps line the walls of the stomach. A traditional remedy is to take a spoonful of olive oil before the party. Having food while drinking reduces how high your peak Blood-Alcohol Concentration (BAC) gets by about a third.
2. Drink Lots of Water
Alcohol inhibits the formation of the hormone vasopressin, due to the deficiency of which your kidneys don’t retain water in the body. Consequently, drinking can expel up to four times the normal amount of water from your body, leading to dehydration - the main cause of the dreaded headache and dry mouth in the morning. The best way to prevent this is to order a glass of water with every drink, and alternate between the two. Along with drinking water throughout the night, be sure to gulp down some more before you go to sleep.
3. Don’t Mix Drinks
Different types of alcohol have slightly different effects on you. Adding them all together results is a mixed up mess and a horrendous headache. Pick your poison of choice and stick to it! That way, you can also keep better track of how much you're drinking.
4. Choose Clear Booze
There are more congeners in darker drinks such as red wine, bourbon, scotch or dark rum. Congeners are produced during fermentation and are responsible for giving liquor its flavour and colour. Many of these turn into poisonous aldehydes during digestion. Hence, the more congeners there are, the worse your hangover is likely to be.
Lighter coloured drinks like vodka and gin are a better choice.
The Morning After
If you didn’t follow the aforementioned steps, chances are, you’ll wake up with a pounding headache and a temporary but strong determination to “Never drink again!” But don’t worry, these tried and tested ways help you get rid of your hangover! But then prevention is always better.
Immediate Remedies
5. Sunglasses On
You might become hypersensitive to things like bright lights or loud music. So put on your sunglasses and avoid things (and people) that are loud.
6. Pain Medication
Although popping too many painkillers is never the solution, aspirin and ibuprofen may work to temporarily kick the pain riddling your brain. But one should be careful not to take any medication that has the ingredient acetaminophen, as it can cause serious liver problems when mixed with alcohol.
Natural Remedies
Alcohol dehydrates your body and to get back to normal, it needs to be rehydrated. Though water is sufficient to do that, it isn’t enough to completely rid you of your hangover. Your body also needs the lost electrolytes and nutrients.
7. Lemon, Sugar and Salt Water
This is one of the most effective remedies for a hangover. The citric smell of lemon feels refreshing and the high amount of vitamin C helps replenish your body’s stores of nutrients. Additionally, salt and sugar help recover lost electrolytes.
8. Banana and Honey Milkshake
Bananas are full of sugar, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6, all of which need replenishment after a night of moderate to heavy drinking. The honey helps digest the alcohol and regain lost electrolytes and fructose.
9. Ginger
Ginger has been used for centuries to reduce nausea and vomiting. Hence, it is perfect to tackle the symptoms of a hangover. Not only does it kill that nauseous feeling, but also helps in the digestion of alcohol.
Ultimate Remedies
Though some say that light exercise can help you deal with your hangover, it is highly unlikely that you would want to go for a run or a swim when it feels like your head is about to explode. There, however, are some activities that you can do.
10. Sex
Sex cures everything! Although there has been no conclusive research proving that sex cures hangovers, it releases the neurotransmitters – endorphin and dopamine. They relieve pain and make you make happy. If not anything, it’ll definitely take your mind off the pain and make the hangover period seem to end faster!
11. Sleep
A heavy night of drinking disrupts your sleep cycle and is one of the reasons why you feel exhausted even after getting a good night’s sleep. Additionally, lack of sleep can make you feel even worse. So hit the bed and take a good long nap.
If we have missed out on your favorite solution, do share it in the comments section.
Roshni Biswas
09-06-2016Definitely the most effective of hangover solutions. Nice article, Saswat!
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