PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome is the bane of female existence. We deal with anxieties, hormonal imbalance and all sorts of mood swings. But, you know what helps? A supportive partner who knows how to deal with us and the problems which comes with PMS. So read on to find out, how to be our knight in shining armor and slay the PMS dragon like a boss!
Take some load off her: PMS can be tough time for us as we are in a constant state of physical and emotional discomfort. A little help with daily chores like laundry or grocery shopping will go a long way with us. Not only does it reduce a little of our burden but this shows that you care and we really feel loved and appreciated in the relationship.
Track her cycle: Talk to your partner and track her cycle to help deal with the situation better. Mind you, this is definitely not first date conversation but if you have a long-term partner then this gesture will be surely appreciated. Prepare yourself beforehand when you know her cycle is approaching.This is the first step towards being a supportive partner for your lady.
Get Knowledgeable: Since men can be squeamish of anything that deals with us bleeding for a good part of a week, we try to avoid having the “period talk” with you, unless you show interest and want to know about it. So read up on the Internet and ask the almighty ‘Google’ for help. Trust me she will be touched if you tell her you looked all this information just to accommodate her better.
Pamper Her: Now this is a good one, pamper you partner as much as you can. This includes giving her foot rubs and massages. Putting on her favorite movie or cooking her meals. Show her you care in every way possible, this will keep us going even through all the discomfort.
Don’t make social commitments: With our body in an overdrive, social gatherings can be a pain to go through. Hence, try to avoid social commitments for your lady or ask her if she would be comfortable enough to attend.
Do Not make PMS jokes: Say “Are you PMSing?” only if you have death wish. It’s as simple as that. Do not attribute our foul mood to periods. It makes us feel incompetent and aggravates our already sour mood. On top of that it shows how little you care about our discomfort. So strict advisory “Steer clear of period jokes”.
Avoid fights: This might not be the best time to get into an argument with us. Any trivial issue might just escalate to new heights. Hence, it is advisable to avoid any sort of fight or conflict. Wait for your partner to be in a better and stable mood and then bring up the issue you now might result in a fight or an argument.
Communicate: Do not close the lines of communication or disappear on us during these days. If anything that your partner has done upsets you, then calmly let her know. Tell her how you feel and ask her how you can make the situation better for her as well.
Comfort Her: This is the time when any sentimental movie or story might make her ‘ugly cry’ on you. Don’t be indifferent to her and comfort her mood swings. Show her you deeply care about her well being and that she’s not alone in this alone.
Give her space: Lastly, she might need some ‘me time’ during these days. Don’t get worried that she’s distancing herself from you. At times she might just want to be by herself and enjoy a good book with a cup of green tea. Let her be then, and trust her to come back to you when she’s well enough. Do not pile on her then, as it might just upset her further.
Having a caring Mard in our lives really makes a difference, every little thing you do during these days helps. So go on be her Knight on a white horse and save the day.
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