Getting a new Dog? Dog Breeds to consider for your new Pet!
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Getting a new Dog? Dog Breeds to consider for your new Pet!

Minali Singh   /  07-Jul-2016


A dog is a man's best friend, but, much like us humans different dog breeds have different personality traits. Welcoming a dog in your family without understanding the breed can lead to many complications. This is why we see so many dogs being abandoned, because the wee little puppy grows up to take a lot of space not only in your heart but also in your apartment. Or the dog requires much more exercise than your routine allows you to provide for. So read on to find out about various dog breeds and their personality traits.

A)    Beagle

This is a small to medium sized dog, is a scent hound and was bred primarily for hunting. Over time it has become one of the most loved dog breeds. Be it lazing around on the couch or going out for a run, Beagle is a perfect companion. A Beagle is a simpleton with a one-track mind, but needs daily exercise to burn some energy off. Welcome a beagle home, if you are ready to be loved and showered with drool laced kisses. Key points to consider

  1. Space Requirement: High
  2. Exercise: High
  3. Life expectancy: 12-15 years.
  4. Climate: Moderate

B)    Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky

A medium sized working dog; a hunter- gatherer community bred it in Russia. Huskies have a rich and thick coat, which helped them, survive the harsh Russian cold. These days this breed is easily available in cities with warm climate, but if you live in such a place give this breed a skip. No amount of air conditioning will make this breed comfortable and it would be torturous for the dog to stand summer weather in cities like Delhi or Jaipur. This breed can also be a little stubborn and needs an experienced hand that can maintain the ‘alpha’ position of the pack. Apart from this they are also escape artists and can get out of fenced yards easily. A Siberian husky, is a joy to be around, and would love you like no other. Get this breed, if you have a large house and stay in a cold place. Key Points to consider:

  1. Space Requirement: Moderate
  2. Exercise: High
  3. Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
  4. Climate: Cold

C)    Labrador

Widely considered the most popular breed in the world. As a breed they are highly intelligent and capable of intense single-mindedness and focus if motivated or their interest is caught. Labradors have a reputation as a very even-tempered breed and an excellent family.This includes a good reputation with children of all ages and other animals. Labradors like to eat, and without proper exercise can become obese. This breed is a perfect family pet. Key Points to consider:

  1. Space requirement: Medium
  2. Exercise: Moderate
  3. Life expectancy: 10-12 years
  4. Climate: Moderate

D)    German Shepherd
German ShepherdThis has got to be the most famous breed of all times. Be it military training, drug detection, rescue work or being a loving house pet, this breed excels at everything. It is a very intelligent breed and extremely loyal to its owner. A German Shepherd is prone to separation anxiety and is not happy being left alone for long periods of time. German Shepherds require a lot of exercise and need to be let out and socialized at an early age, if not they become wary of strangers and can be aggressive. All in all this is a lovely dog breed that will always have your back. Key Points to consider:

  1. Space requirement: Medium
  2. Exercise: High
  3. Life expectancy: 9-13 years
  4. Climate: Cold to Moderate

E)    Pug
PugsAlso called the clowns of dog world, Pugs are a compact dog breed with a lot of sass. They are famous for their wrinkled face and also for the Vodafone ad they featured in. Due to this very reason there was an influx in demand for this dog breed, which lead to kennel clubs overbreeding this particular breed. This gave away to various health issues, and one has to be very careful with them. For starters, due to the folds on their face, they are susceptible to infections and the folds have to be kept clean at all times. They also can’t walk on a leash around their neck and need a harness on their back. But with their goofy antics around the house and those big cute eyes, you will fall in love with them in no time. Key Points to consider:

  1. Space requirement: Low
  2. Exercise: Low
  3. Life expectancy: 12-15 years
  4. Climate: Moderate

F)    Indian Mongrel or Mutt:
Indian MongrelThis has to be our personal favorite, Indian mongrel or Indies are the local dog breeds of our country. They are adaptable to any environment and have little to no health problems. They are also fiercely loyal and brilliant guard dogs. This is one compact dog breed, which is a companion, protector and entertainer all rolled into one. On top of that they can be adopted easily and truly deserve a chance as family pets. Key Points to consider:

  1. Space requirement: Moderate to High
  2. Exercise: High
  3. Life expectancy: 12- 14 years
  4. Climate: Adaptable to all

Dogs are gifts of god who love us with no terms or conditions. Sadly we aren’t always so good to them, so try to adopt a dog instead of buying one. You would not only be saving a life but gaining a loving companion.


Minali Singh

Currently a student of mass communication, Minali is a self proclaimed bookworm with a special love for photography and travel. She can be often seen chasing dogs to pet and wants to travel the world one day.


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