Qualities a woman looks for in her man
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Qualities a woman looks for in her man

Minali Singh   /  14-Jun-2016

#Couples #Manners #TheMard #TheNaree #KnowYourTG


Women, can't live with them. Can't live without them, eh? It can be quite the task to charm a Lady, but worry not! Because from the other side of the fence, we have secret information of what a woman generally looks for in a Mard. Read on to find out.

More than anything a woman wants her partner to be faithful to her, a conniving man is someone we all run away from. Hence, if you are courting a lady then be a real Mard and show her how much she means to you and that nobody else stands a chance.

Contrary to popular beliefs, "showing off" is most definitely the biggest turn off for a woman. Yes, we do love that you have expensive taste and are well groomed but please steer clear of showing us the price tag of everything. A down to Earth Man on the other hand has a charm of his own, so shower the lady with love, affection and gifts but only with your feet planted firmly into the ground.

This might just be the most relevant dating tip you read, so here it goes. Never, I repeat. Never call the waiting staff by making the "tchi tchi" hand motion. Not only is it off putting for the waiting staff but also it shows how little you think of people. Always be polite and courteous and you win brownie points from your lady.

An aimless man is never attractive to any woman. On the other hand, a man who has a set life goal and knows what he is doing with his life is huge turn on. So be ambitious and know what you want from life, this will also help you in finding a lady with similar life goals.

Gone are the days when women looked for a "provider". We want a man who treats us as an equal and is supportive of our endeavors in life. The little things count the most for us; a little support from the men in our lives goes a long way with us. It's about time that this popular saying gets a female equivalent,   "behind every successful woman is a man"


Minali Singh

Currently a student of mass communication, Minali is a self proclaimed bookworm with a special love for photography and travel. She can be often seen chasing dogs to pet and wants to travel the world one day.


  • Aachman Sehgal


    Great work minali. Good luck

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